The Tristar Sports event group has recently teamed up with the Federation of Kitts and Nevis to put together an International long distance sporting event called the Tristar 111 Nevis Triathlon last week. Competitive athletes attended the event from various areas of the globe. The event included individual competitors and relay teams.
As the name suggests, the Triathlon comprised of three major sections. These included the swim course, the biking course, and a running course. The event proceeded respectively with only a small transition area where the athletes changed gears and proceeded to the next portion of the competition.
The Swimming Section
The swimming course began in downtown Charlestown in Gallows bay. The athletes began from the beach and swam through the course marked by buoys. The first buoy was located beyond the ferry pier and was aligned with Hunkins Drive. They swam right around this buoy and headed towards the second buoy. At this point they headed back towards the finish line marked by the dinghy dock.
Once the athletes completed this portion of the event, they gathered the biking gear and transition out of their swimming gear in the designated area by the main car park. After this they ran over the bike course.
The Biking Section
Once on the bikes, the athletes began what is to be four laps around the island. The distance was about 20 miles, or 32 kilometers around the island. They began on Hunkins Drive and continued along the main road through Charlestown, which would mark the coming laps. They headed from Charleston to Pond hill, and then headed to the right in the direction of Montpelier. They continued through the village, heading back to the main island road where they would continue to circle the island, and repeated this three times. Once the laps were completed, the competitors turned on Hunkins Drive once more and gathered their running gear.
The Running Section
The athletes had parked the bikes, transition into their running gear, and began the next course. The running course led towards Bath Village, near the port on the right, and then on the old road on the outer ring. They ran through Bath Village and entered Fort Thomas. Then they ran along the beach at gallows bay, which completed the first lap, which was repeated once more. After completing this segment they headed to the finish line on Hunkins Drive.
The Rules
The racers could not bring MP3 players, cell phones or other types of electronic devices to the race. They needed to be properly dressed for each portion of the event, and they should have checked their bags of gear that were to be used for transitioning in advance, prior to the Triathlon by the deadline. Drafting, escorting, and littering were strictly prohibited and violators would be disqualified. All racers were expected to smile and have a good attitude from the beginning of the race to the end.
Participating in the Triathlon or just visiting the island to watch is a great opportunity to check out Nevis real estate.
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